Marry You by Bruno Mars Discussion

Theme song  Many of the issues that sociologists focus on exert a powerful influence over people’s lives and experiences. Because of this many sociological issues are reflected in pop culture, from movies and tv to novels to music. For this writing assignment you will identify a song (with lyrics) that relates to one or more […]

SOCW6530 WU Termination of Services Discussion

Respond to the blog posts of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways: Expand on your colleague’s posting. Make a suggestion to your colleague’s post. Response to Charmaine An explanation of how you have addressed termination or how you might address termination in your field education experience Termination is defined as the […]

writing eng

Original Post Instructions (1.5 points each) Think about Modules 1 through 4: What is the most memorable information to you? What information connects to your life? Review the instructions for the Film Analysis Paper, as well as the Prohibited Films List: What are 2-3 films you have in mind for the assignment? Include a brief […]

Grand Canyon University Creating a SIOP Lesson Plan Paper

Need help completing the attached lesson plan. ( My choice grad level is  Kindergarten). Create a lesson plan that integrates language objectives, content objectives, and best instructional practices for ELLs, as well as a method for authentic assessment. In this assignment you will complete a SIOP Lesson Plan based on the Background Information below and […]

SOC 3313 University of Houston Downtown Sociology Question

Getting a terminal degree, Ph.D., has made me even more humble than ever, especially as I realize how little we know about the things we think we know. If you think about it, how do you know that what you have come to believe is true as science has no answer to all inexplicable things […]

SMC Sociology Gender Politics Social Agenda and Interconnections Essay

Please write a either the book “Strong Men: Mussolini to the Present” by Ruth Ben-Ghiat or “Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism” by Seyward Darby (whichever is easier to find online). Please avoid summarizing or re-stating the themes of the book. Instead, address the following three questions, while demonstrating […]

War and Violence in the 21st Century

Can you help me understand this Sociology question? View one or more of the following Ted Talks about violence and war. War and Peace in the 21st Century – The Stories in Our Minds (16:06) (Links to an external site.) – In this Tedx Talk, historian Daniele Ganser argues that most wars seem to be […]

Cuyamaca College Wk 3 Microaggressions Analytic Memorandum

Your response should include considerable reflection on the pertinent course terms and concepts, failing to reference these consistently throughout will result in a deduction. This week we examined the concept of ‘Microagressions,’ which can occur on the basis of race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, nationality, and so on. At first blush, microaggressions might be seen as […]

Grantham University Early Childhood Discussion

You are creating a Unit 1 Lesson Plam for each age group  Each age group has three learning areas you will focus on within each age group  Please see pictures for full details