Reaction brief

Write a reaction brief on the attached document

SOC 120 SCSU Sociology Question

This paper will be similar in structure to the mini research paper, only longer .  You may select any topic of interest to you, but you must construct a sociological, explanatory thesis using concepts or theories covered in class.  In the paper you must also discuss how Durkheim’s theory on solidarity, Marx’s theory on capitalism, […]

MMUST Criminal Justice Case Questions

What is the difference between structure and process in the explanation of delinquent and criminal behavior?

SOC 120 Cuymaca College Race and Racism Discussion

I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support. Construct a definition of the terms “white privilege” and “white supremacy.” Provide an example of each, if different. Do white privilege and/or white supremacy shape the lives of Americans today? How?  

California State University San Marcos I’m No Longer Here Film Essay

This week, please view the film I’m No Longer Here. You will find this film on Netflix. I am interested in understanding how you make sense of gang formations around the art and practice of slow-down cumbia dancing as resistance in Mexico and how street-level gang politics promoted forced migration and struggle in the US. […]

Discussion Sexual Ethics – Issues of Gender, The Sex Industry, and Human Trafficking

View one or more of the following videos/talks about issues related to sex and/or gender. Note that some portions of these videos my contain sexually explicit discussion and/or language. After viewing the videos/talks, address the following questions in your discussion. Videos/Talks Gender – The Space Between (1:00:09) (Links to an external site.) – This CBS […]

University of California Riverside Sociology Paper

Please watch this video for an extra resource. Ignore Film 2 at the bottom. Here is another article as a source. 

Chicago State University Women Children and Poverty Responses

Please watch the two film, Poor Kids 2012 and Poor Kids 2017. Write a reaction to what you watch. What are the differences that you see between 2012 and 2017. The links to the videos can be found below. You may have to copy and paste the link into a new browser.  Each of you […]

Women, Children and poverty

I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support. Please watch the video on Tonier Cain and her story on Trauma Informed Care Please share two points that stood out to you in the video and why they stood out.  Please respond to two other posts as well. Please be respectful of each person’s post. […]