write an essay 500-600 words

From our course readings for this week, both Blumer and Bonilla-Silva claim that racism is not just about “ideology” or individual feelings. Citing from each of the readings, respond to the following: How do this week’s readings challenge “commonsense” or popular ideas about racism?  

Gender and Identity Discussion

THE DISCUSSION  The theory of Social Constructionism is  most applicable in helping us to understand how gender and sexuality is  socially constructed.  In your textbook it states it is a way of  understanding social reality that is influenced by our thinking which is  then reinforced by our interactions with others in our environment.  It  also […]

California State University Gang Suppression and Civil Liberties Film Analysis

   I want you to talk about both films. These two films explore heavy-handed policing strategies in two different contexts: the police stop and frisk men and women of color in disproportionate numbers. I want you to reflect on both gang suppression strategies, and your essay should focus on the effectiveness of these measures.  Does criminalizing […]

Salisbury University Sociology Questions

Lobbying Knowledge Essentials-1.docx Lobbying Knowledge Essentials After reading scroll down to the third page to see the questions you will need to answer. Please download pages three and four And save as a word document, type in your answers and upload the word document to MyClasses. In Washington, D.C. at the Capitol, the United States […]

Sociology The Blurred Borders of Heterosexuality Discussion

I’m studying and need help with a Sociology question to help me learn. Answer EITHER question 1 or 2. Question 1: In what ways do Rupp & Taylor(2010) and Ward (2008) explain how sexual orientation is separate from sexual acts? What does this distinction mean? Question 2: According to Valenti (2008, 2009) and Harding (2015) […]

BCC Differences In Subjective And Objective Claims Discussion

Identify: A subjective claim that people think or might call “a fact”, but it is not. An objective claim that people think or might call “an opinion”, but it is not.  What is the difference between a claim that is “objective” and a claim that is “subjective?” Explain how mislabeling these claims could negatively impact […]

HLSS 300 AMU Polarization Among Young Adults in US Preliminary Research

 develop a research question. You will use this research question throughout this course. Your paper should include a paragraph or two to provide some background about the topic and explain how your research would fit into existing literature on the topic. Also, explain your search method (APUS library, other university or scholarly databases, academic journals, […]

Salisbury University Social Worker Internship Discussion

I’m currently interning at the Halo center , it’s a shelter for women, women with children , we hold case management meeting to help them fill out paper , housing applications This week I did my 2 intake and help with application for housing , and I met with guest at night to help th […]

SOC301: Identity and Social Inequality (SOA2242A) Week 1 Journal

Your identity consists of multiple dimensions, which we might also call group memberships. Some of the most salient of these identities include your race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexuality, physical and mental ability, nationality, and/or religion. Take a look at The diversity wheelLinks to an external site. for a visual representation of all of the […]

Grantham University Feminist Theory Social Worker Discussion

Can you help me understand this Sociology question? Post: Select feminist theory or empowerment theory. Summarize the underlying principles and values of the theory in 3 to 4 brief sentences. Analyze the extent to which the underlying principles and values of the theory are consistent with the NASW Code of Ethics in 3 to 4 […]