Sociology Discussions

1) Discussion Forum Question This chapter discusses women and children in poverty. Chapter 8 covered human trafficking, however, I think it is an issue that also relates to poverty.  Even though the U.S.A. is considered a wealthy nation we have our own issues with poverty and human trafficking. For your discussion, pick one of the […]

Follow the instruction to write 1 page discussion

Required Reading: Archer, Verity. 2016. ‘Class and Class Relations’ [Chapter 11], in James Arvanitakis (ed) Sociologic: Analysing Everyday Life and Culture. Oxford University Press: Melbourne, p.98-118. Tutorial Discussion: 1. What are the main causes of class? 2. In what ways does class position influence and shape our daily lives? 3. Can you think […]

AAMI Health Care Systems of Canada and The United States Discussion

I’m working on a sociology project and need support to help me learn. Identify and explain three (3) differences between the health care systems of Canada and the United States. Write a paragraph explaining each difference identified. Use the following sources: Canada’s Healthcare SystemLinks to an external site. US Healthcare SystemLinks to an external site. United Sates Healthcare SystemLinks to an external site. Comparing the US and Canadian Healthcare SystemsLinks to an external site.

American Military University Romantic Love Analysis

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need guidance to help me learn. Answer discussion question about what romantic love is, how it is portrayed in the media and how people all over the world is influenced by the love we see on tv, social media, books etc.  

Discussion Question #1 SOS 2308

Instructions: Your original discussion post should be at least 500 words Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced MLA Format Excluding the Works Cited Page. You must use concepts, theories, and research etc. from the book provided in your discussion. You must cite them appropriately in the text of your post, for example a quote […]

SMC Christian Nationalist and White Nationalist Organizations Essay

Question/Prompt(s): Discuss the bases for identification, recruitment and/or indoctrination into the far right. That is, how do Christian Nationalist and White Nationalist organizations attract, socialize and retain their participants? Your essay should incorporate at least one of the two films: “Skin”, and “Michael Flynn’s Holy War” (screened in class), and at least 4 of the […]

Strayer University The Media and Public Trust Discussion

I’m working on a Sociology question and need guidance to help me study. What do you consider to be the most trustworthy sources of news, politics, and information? On what do you base your criteria? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples.