Patient interview

Rewatch the same Patient Interview….. You will now write the mental status exam portion of the psychiatric report. The mental status exam can be written in bulleted or narrative format, but should include the following sections:   Appearance – personal identification, behavior, psychomotor activity, general description Speech Mood and affect Thinking and perception – […]

HLT 313V University of Alaska Anchorage Quality Management Discussion

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Locate and select an article that discusses performance-based trends in patient safety, risk management, or quality management in health care organizations. Provide a summary of your findings and explain how and why the trends would or […]

West Coast University Telemedicine Effect on Health Care Services Analysis

Technology Project Paper Part 1 (20 points of grade Description of both part one and two: Student to identify a Technology Project pertinent to their practice environment. This proposal must include: Executive Summary; Description of Project; Rationale Topic chosen; Research-supported by evidenced based recent literature; Project Clinical Goals & Objectives; Market/Financial Project Analysis; Plan for […]

New Mexico State University Accreditation Audit AFT Task

INTRODUCTION The accreditation process seeks to help organizations identify and resolve problems and to inspire them to improve the safety and quality of care and services provided. The process focuses on systems critical to the safety and the quality of care, treatment, and services. For this task, you will assume the role of director of […]

UW Bothell HealthCare Emergency Management The Joint Commission PPT

Overview of a regulatory agency healthcare emergency management standards and/or regulations (choose one). Don’t just provide background. Be sure to take a deep dive and describe the importance of the regulatory agency and how their regulations have impacted healthcare.  oCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) oThe Joint Commission (TJC)

Columbia Southern University Group of Public Health Discussion

Create a PowerPoint presentation for a group of public health undergraduate students. Select and focus on one government group, agency, or organization that is related to health care. Discuss one example of how it demonstrates effective resource management strategies, and examine one example of its mismanagement of resources. The group, agency, or organization you pick […]

Saudi Electronic University Medical Devices History Discussion

I need brief history of major changes in these medical devices over the years (pictures for devices, pic for inventor or developer for each stage of the development) for the following medical devices: 1- pacemaker 2-defibrillator 3- ventilator 4- ultra sound 5- MRI 6- artificial joints 7- incubator 8- syringe pump 9- artificial ventricle. please […]

MHA 5016 Capella University Week 9 Health Information Improvement Proposal Paper

You have been asked to create a proposal for improving data collection and analysis based on the current EHR at Independence Medical center and the recommendations you already made during your work. Despite being meaningful use certified, the leadership team feels that the organization needs to make better use of patient data to improve clinical […]

HLT 362V UAA Epidemiological Data in Health Practices Discussion

Describe how epidemiological data influences changes in health practices. Provide an example and explain what data would be necessary to make a change in practice. Be sure to use two or more references with permalinks attached.