Comparison between various change management models.

Change Management Models Compare  and contrast the various change management models. Provide a brief  overview of your comparison. Which models have you seen implemented in  the workforce? Next, recommend which change model you would use when  implementing your new HRIS, and explain why you would use the selected  model.

Talent Management and Online Recruitment 

alent Management and Online Recruitment Part A (Chapter 9) 1. After reading Chapter 9, read the two articles listed below: “Integrating talent management and core HR systems valuable but tricky” “Applicant Tracking for High Turnover Environments” 2.  Why is it important to establish the meaning of talent and talent  management in a particular organizational setting? […]

use e-Learning in organizations

Does  your organization use e-Learning? What training methods does your  organization use? Are your organization’s training methods effective?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of your organization’s  training and development methods? What online training and development  systems/methods would you recommend? Explain.  

Resistance to Change

Question #1 Piderit (2000) believes that the definition of the term resistance must incorporate a much broader scope. She states that “a review of past empirical research reveals three different emphases in conceptualizations of resistance: as a cognitive state, as an emotional state, and as a behavior” (p. 784). The notion that employee resistance can […]

Is HRM becoming more strategic?

Is HRM becoming more strategic? Provide an explanation for your response. Support your response with an APA cited reference(s).

HR Processes and Functions 

HR Processes and Functions Part A (Chapter 12) 1. First, read the article, “HRIS Performance Monitoring Plan”. Based on the article and your textbook, please respond to the following questions: 2.  Explain your previous or current organization’s performance management,  compensation, benefits, and payroll system. Can these systems be  accessed via one HRIS or does your […]

HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics   

HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics  Please watch this video “The Power of HR Metrics: Growth, Performance, Sustainment” (3 min 35 s) on the importance of metrics. Review  the Case Study: Regional Hospital on page 420 of the textbook. Based on  the video, your readings this week, and the case study, please respond  to the following questions: Do […]

Practical Applications of an Information Privacy Plan

Information Privacy Watch the video “Massive cyberattack strikes Anthem” (1 min 43 s.) Review  the Case Study: Practical Applications of an Information Privacy Plan  on page 443 of the textbook. Based on the video, your readings this  week, and the case study, please respond to the following questions: What information privacy principals have been breached? How were the […]

HRIS & Social Media

There  is no doubt that social media has had an impact on how organizations  interact with future and potential employees. After completing your  readings for this week, answer the following questions: What impact has social media had on HRIS? In your opinion what is the future of HRIS?   NOTE: MORE THAN ONE ANSWER POSTED […]

how KPIs can fail a project

Consider a project you know, either from experience or from research. Even though we focus on what went well on projects, we must also be mindful of those things that did not meet our expectations. Your textbook author described things to keep in mind that may cause difficulty in using KPIs. Explain how KPIs can […]