South Florida American Beauty 1999 Film Analysis School

SECTION C: Select TWO issues from the list below and apply them to one or more films viewed in class. 1. Cultural assumptions of society and audience 2. Character Stereotyping 3 Relationships, including love 4 Issues of identity 5 Images of women 6 Issues of Technology, including AI and Robotics 7 Issues of gender 8 Journey motif(s) 9 Themes of nostalgia and loss […]

Economics of Film Why Streaming Platforms Are Winning

oject Three: Advanced Research Project – Discipline Project Two Parts The Proposal, 300 -700 and The Essay, 1500-2000 words Advanced Research Project Interesting Research/Topic Suggests… The Proposal In a 300+ word essay, propose a course of action that you plan to take to complete the Research Essay assignment for this course. You will need, of […]

“Shoshana Zuboff on Surveillance Capitalism

Prompt: Your reflection this week focuses on your own experiences with surveillance and your opinions about the ethics of surveilling digital media users. For the first half of your reflection, pick one of the two “Screening Surveillance” films not discussed in the lecture (either “A Model Employee (Links to an external site.)” or “Frames (Links to an external site.)”) and talk […]

Japanese Movies Journal

uestion Description 1: Write your response to the each of these films. The topic could be anything related to the film (style of cinematography, acting, costume, plot, …). Each respond should be separate to the others and around 300-500 words long. I Was Born, But… [Umarete wa mita keredo, Yasujiro Ozu, 1932, 91 min.] Ugetsu [Ugetsu monogatari, Kenji Mizoguchi, […]

Comparing Horror Movies The Ring 1998 and Suspiria 1977 HW Course

Question Description Why did you make this selection? What appealed to you initially about the genre and these films? What did you expect or hope to learn by comparing the two movies? Briefly identify the elements of the genre as they appear in these films: familiar scenes, stock characters, typical locations, iconic details, stylistic features, […]

Comedy of Errors.

or class this week you’ll need to watch Comedy of Errors. The Globe Theatre performance incorporates some of the elements from Shakespeare’s day, but also incorporates some contemporary aspects. What differences from the text did you notice during the performance? As we’ve discussed all semester- theatre is about interpretation. During the performance, the actors, designers and […]

Film Course Aesthetics and Humanistic Aspects Reflective Essay

This is your final essay and I expect you to put some time and thought into it. A good theatre experience is one in which there has been a change in understanding: about ourselves, relationships, and the world we inhabit. Has this happened in anyway for you? Here are three questions you need to answer: […]

Detroit New Theater Creation

Question Description Having experienced what it’s like to produce a play, watch how plays are produced on Broadway, and reviewed the range of theatres right here in Detroit – I want you to imagine that you have been asked to create a brand new theatre for Detroit’s next generation of theatre-goers. Please answer these questions: […]

Cleopatra Film Plot Discussion

uestion Description 250 words We have talked about how–and why–the makers of Gladiator have altered historical details in their presentation of the story of the gladiator Maximus. Indeed, this has been a theme throughout the course: we have addressed similar concerns with Troy, 300, and other films as well. This is your chance to have a go at rewriting […]

Horror & Science Fiction

They Live, a wildly under-celebrated horror flick. Watch this one only if you meet ALL of the following criteria: a) loved Get Out, b) can dig some low-budget realness, c) are cool with 80s mullet stylings, and d) want to bust out of Ideology from time to time. Horror & Science Fiction (omgsoexcitedlovethesegenres) INSTRUCTIONS: Screening Options: As usual, read […]