Apply macroeconomic concepts to current and personal economic events and decisions.

Assignment: Challenges in the Business Environment As you have explored in this course, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Imagine that you have been appointed as the Chief Compliance Officer of a Fortune 500 company and must […]

types of NTMs (non-tariff measures) exist and how the different types of NTMs affect international trade

My requirement is to write a small paper, which is not very difficult but requires absolutely high standards of content Topic:What types of NTMs (non-tariff measures) exist and how the different types of NTMs affect international trade? At least 600 words. The PDF document I uploaded below is some of the knowledge points that may […]

Job Market Signalling Model and Unregulated Markets

n Ontario, the government subsidizes part of the costs of purchasing an electric vehicle. a) What is the rationale for this type of government intervention? What is the particular type of market failure that this policy is meant to address? b) Explain why an unregulated market would not lead to an efficient amount of EV’s […]

2008 financial crisis

Write a 2-page summary on the 2008 financial crisis. Be sure to highlight the causes and the fallout of the crisis and how the government managed it. You should use at least 3 (three) references with proper citations. Reference page should be included as a separate page.

Maggie Fitzgeralds Article Regarding Economic Downturns

Pull a news article from a major newspaper or online news like CNN, BBC, and CBS etc. and read it. After reading, please critically summarize the article using the following criteria: Note: The article must be related to the work we have covered that week. Your article MUST not be more than THREE months old. In the […]

Labor Market Before, During and After the Financial Crisis Analysis

or this box you will analyze the labor market before, during, and after the financial crisis. You will analyze the 2006-2016 period; these are the years that have the same unemployment rates that book-end the period, 4.7% in both January of 2006 and in December of 2016. – Go to and look for 1) […]

Five Discovery Skills and The Innovators DNA Article Analysis

Question Description There are two parts 1. Read The Innovator’s DNA article which I provided. There Are 5 Discovery Skills. Of The 5 Discovery Skills, Which Do You Think Is Most Important and Why?( about one to two paragraphs) 2.The author’s thesis is on the front cover of the article. Every article has a specific viewpoint […]

Federal Reserve Bank Economic Performance & GDP Analysis

In this box you will analyze the cyclical properties of household expenditure on non-durable goods, on durable goods, and on services. That is, how these variables correlate with the business cycle and whether there is the smoothing behavior predicted by the theory. Get the following quarterly series from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank FRED […]

economic boom and a recession.

onstruct the AD, SRAS, and LRAS curves for an economy experiencing (a) full employment, (b) an economic boom, and (c) a recession. What will happen in each case if it’s only temporary? What will happen in each case if it’s permanent?

the impact of a rise in Money Supply on the economy in SR and in LR.

Econ 302; Dr. Janko Participation Worksheet Due Sunday May 10th by 10pm. 1. For each of the figures below provide an example of what could cause the curve to shift either out or in. In each case, provide a unique factor; i.e. do not say “rise in X” causes IS to shift out, and “fall […]