Nike Company Price Elasticity

In Module Seven, you will submit your research paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. The research paper is complete. I was completed in sessions through out the course. I just need for […]

Unemployment and Economic Health Paper

Question Description MACROECONOMICS- Individual assignment We have analyzed the three key indicators of economic health (unemployment, economic growth and inflation) and their measurement in Canada. Select only one of them and prepare an essay including the following points: Compare Canada to the rest of the world, using only official statistics (name your sources). Explain the […]

Game Theory Application in Environmental Pollution

Question Description Please write a 1200 word essay that address the following concept. You will want to include graphs, diagrams and figures to help illustrate key concepts. Please be sure to use other sources of information as needed. It is very important that you properly reference your sources of information. “Cite your sources” cannot be […]

Effects of Globalization in United States of America PPT

Question Description All requirements will be in one PDF file. 1.Select one country in the world you are interested in. It is okay to pick the U.S. 2.Choose 2 measures of globalization we have learnt in class and calculate those measuresfor the country of your interest. Clearly state your data sources and calculation methods.You can […]

Microeconometrics Problem Set Questions

Question Description 1. 31 points You are interested in the extent to which removing the option of paid childcare has affected the share of time mothers compared to fathers spend with their children. The economic and health response to the pandemic has caused job losses, increased telecommuting, closed day care and schools, and placed state […]

Wall Street Raider Icahn Shareholder Activism Case

Question Description i need 12 pages double space for these questions totally. it is the midterm and it include one case analysis and three short answers. Attachment previewWall Street Raider Icahn Carl Icahn, a noted Wall Street Raiser and shareholder activist in February March 2013 was heading two attacks on Dell and transocean on the […]

the supply- side approach and fiscal policy to raising output.

for each essay.( Total words 500 x2 =1000 words) 1. With covid-19, economic reports demonstrate that the UK economy is heading into one of the worst technical recessions in decades. Compare the supply- side approach and fiscal policy to raising output. 2. Assess the demand and supply of labour in the country of your choiceand evaluate […]

Trade and Gender Inequality

you must read the attached article, then write a two page essay in which you summarize the article and draw a connection between it and our course material. The essay must be in Word format

Runway Incursion and Data Analysis Report

One problem is that data can be misleading if not presented in a clear and sound manner. Let’s take a look at a real life, aviation example. The FAA has claimed that runway incursions, incidents when an aircraft or vehicle is on a runway when it is not supposed to be, have been decreasing over […]

Trump Administration Coverage

Question Description Please choose one of the following questions and react to it briefly in the discussion boards. When you submit answer, please begin by pasting the question you are responding to in the text field. Then write your answer below. Discussion question options: To what extent do you think media bias is a problem […]