Checks and Balances in Government’s Covid-19 Response

discuss how the governmental response to covid-19 illustrates what you have learned. Show not just factual knowledge on the details of government (ex.: the President has the power to order travel from China to stop as Chief of the Executive) but also show the principle of checks and balances between different levels of government (federal, […]

Future of the Juvenile Justice System

ssignment Content This portion of the assignment gives you practice with listening to someone else and taking notes on what the other person says while setting aside your own personal biases and judgment. Review the instructions in the Wk 5 – Future of the Juvenile Justice System Presentation assignment and begin working on your assignment. Week […]

political parties and discuss their functions and roles

Part One: Answer one of the following: 1.In regard to state and local government: a. Define political parties and discuss their functions and roles. b. Discuss Direct Democracy and Direct Action. 2. Discuss the following aspects of crime in regard to state & local Government: a. The crime explosion and its impact and crime reductionand its impact. b. Policing and law enforcement. 3. Discuss: a. The major functions of the state legislature and the […]

Special Interest Group and Civil Rights

Discussion Response; Special Interest Group 250 words or less Directions; Your replies MUST CONTAIN A FACT ABOUT THE OTHER STUDENT’S SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP THAT WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THEIR ORIGINAL POST. RESPONSE ONE; 1. Why did you pick this particular group? Human Rights, I picked this group because it is sad to see that many […]

Solution to eliminate gender gap in political leadership between men and women

What is the best solution to eliminate gender gap in political leadership between men and women? Is the quota system a viable solution to the problem as it has been adopted in many European and developing countries? Or should women be empowered on their own to take up such leadership roles as it has been […]

Congressional Elections

Subject of the paper: This assignment is to write a reflective paper on the assigned readings in the second module of the course, the U.S. Congress. Requirement: The main purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on and express what you learned from the assigned readings, and your opinion as to the validity, strengths, or […]

COVID19 Pandemic Problem In Texas

Question Description 18 slides Powerpoint What is the most significant problem facing Texas today? Describe the extent of this challenge and offer at least two realistic ways our state can address the issue in the future. Will we overcome this problem? Use any good presentation software, such as Power Point, Prezi, Haiku Deck, etc. Use […]

concepts addressed in Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles

eview the issues and concepts addressed in Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles, found in the text (page 7) or as discussed in the New York Times at URL: Find an online article discussing the actions of police officers and determine whether the police activity / conduct follows the Principles set forth by Sir Robert Peel. […]

Middle East Christian Crusades

Based on what we read, what really caused the Crusades? Was it a Just War? What was the true motivation of those who engaged in those wars? Were they looking to gain material interests including looting or they sought salvation and carrying out religious duties? Were the Crusades really unavoidable?

discuss airport operator and airport security coordinator (ASC) security responsibilities

he following is 1000 words Evaluate and discuss airport operator and airport security coordinator (ASC) security responsibilities. Discuss what you feel is the most likely from of terrorist attack on U.S. aviation and why. 500 words The IoT is the third wave of technological advancement after the pc and smart phone. It allows IoT-enable devices […]