NYU Health & Medical Discussion

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS: Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.  The CDC’s Morbidity and mortality weekly report (MMWR) is a valuable, accurate and reliable resource in providing information about public health to the general public. The site provides data on the morbidity and mortality rate, a weekly […]

Behavior Change Journals Essay

hap 445: research proposal

Students will write a research proposal to fund a survey that pertains to peanut allergies and children. Your maximum budget for this research is $400,000. You may pick your audience. Make the audience known to the reader in the beginning of the paper. Please use the material contained in Chapter 3 of your text beginning […]

DOC 714S University of Phoenix Week 4 Health and Medicine Article Discussion

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Question 1: An article’s abstract “contains enough essential information about the article to be able to assess its merit and relevance…and you can discern and anticipate the logic of the author’s argument before even reading through […]

American Military University Using Benchmarking for Performance Improvement Paper

CAHIIM Competencies Assessed:  Subdomain VI.F Strategic and Organizational Management Implement a departmental strategic plan i.e. benchmarking  (Blooms 3) Instructions:  Read the article provided:  Hughes, Gwen. “Using Benchmarking for Performance Improvement (AHIMA Practice Brief).” Journal of AHIMA 74, no.2 (2003): 64A-D. Assume you are a hospital HIM Manager and you need to work toward part of […]

MRU Quantitative and Qualitative Research Presentation

Create a tittle for the project. Ten minute presentation in cass, at least one qualitative and one quantitative research article. 10 slides minimum excluding title page and references page, WITH notes in each one. Articles must be peer reviewed, research studies and related to the community assessment. Articles must have been published within last 3 […]