Chapter Question
Chapter 13 book title A Constant Struggle African-American History by Yohuru R. Williams (second edition)
[Williams]: Compare and contrast the writing and experiences of John DeForrest “What is to Become of the African in Our Country?” (76-77) and George Washington Cable “The Freedman’s Case” (155-59). How do the lives of thee two men dispel certain myths concerning sectional conflict after the
Civil War? What are the major arguments put forth in their articles?
[Williams]: Read “The Secret Life of Booker T. Washington” (245-62). Explain the contradictions in Washington’s public pronouncements and private actions. Was agitation or accommodation a better strategy?
Chapter 13 book title From Slavery To Freedom by John Hope Franklin( ninth edition)
[Franklin]: What was the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson ? How did it interpret the Fourteenth Amendment? How did it impact the lives of blacks? (see chapter 12)
[Franklin]: Compare and contrast the views of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois.