CHS 305 University of Arizona Interdisciplinary Team Work Essay

Assignment #2

APA requirements (be sure to download d2l APA resources to guide your in-text citing and reference page formatting):

Activity #1 – one in-text citation, included in properly formatted reference page

Activity #2 – one in-text citation, included in properly formatted reference page

Activity #1:

Read this article:Nancarrow, S. A., Booth, A., Ariss, S., Smith, T., Enderby, P., & Roots, A. (2013). Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work (on d2l).

Given what you have learned about interdisciplinary team work (IDT), provide your interpretation of what an IDT is and what is required for a successful IDT. Discuss what your intended career might be in the helping professions, what people/groups you will serve, and what other professions might be included in your IDT.

Write your focused paragraph here, with in-text citation:

Follow this link to download and/or print your “Conversation Starter Kit”. 

Read through the Starter Kit, and select one person in your life with whom you would like to have an end-of-life care conversation.

Complete your Starter Kit and keep it in a safe location. This is for your personal use and planning.

Take the next step toward having the conversation.

Write a 1-2 paragraph reflective summary of your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, experience, etc. You do not have to discuss anything that you prefer not to share in an academic setting. However, be specific enough to demonstrate you completed the steps, while articulating your insights, awareness, and critical thought on the topic.Be assured that your privacy is secure, and that you are sincerely supported and valued as you engage in an activity that is uncomfortable for many people . . .which is why The Conversation Project is an essential tool to assist us in navigating conversations centering on end-of-life preferences, issues, and concerns.

Is there anyone that you would like to send this Conversation Project Starter Kit to?If so, please do so.

To earn credit for this activity:

a.Talk to one family member or friend about The Conversation Project.

§Often times, students feel they are ‘too young’ to have The Conversation regarding their own personal decisions. If you’re not ready to do so at this time, have the conversation with a loved one. For example, you may wish to initiate this conversation with an older family member or friend.You may choose to have them complete the Starter Kit, if they haven’t done so already.What are their wishes?Have the conversation with them, regarding their preferences.

§Alternatively, you may wish to have the conversation regarding your wishes with a loved one.

b.Having the conversation may reveal that you and your loved ones disagree. That’s okay. It’s important to simply know this, and to continue talking about it now—not during a medical crisis. Having the conversation isn’t just a one-time thing. It’s the first in a series of conversations over time.