CHS 305 University of Arizona ?Over Treatment Discussion

Assignment 7:Reflection upon the complex issues regarding over-treatment

  • Read the following article:
    • Meier, D. E. (2014). ‘I don’t want Jenny to think I’m abandoning her’: Views on overtreatment.
    • View the following Ted Talk, BJ Miller:What really matters at the end of life (19:08).
    • APA requirements for this assignment:Be certain to appropriately in-text cite.At the end of your reflection document, you create a References page.How to cite a Ted Talk to cite an electronic article:
    • This assignment is a reflection essay of approximately one page in length, double spaced; it is perfectly acceptable to write in the first person and offer your insights and opinions.Both the Meier (2014) article and the Ted Talk must be discussed, cited, and included on the Reference list.
      • Consider the points of view of the patient, family, the physician and the healthcare system.What are some of the issues that you see regarding ‘where to draw the line’ in providing treatment when a client has a terminal condition?What challenges can you anticipate encountering in your future career role?What is your ‘take home’ perception regarding overtreatment issues, palliative care, and hospice care as pertains to our healthcare system?
      • I’m not looking for a ‘right’ answer, because there simply isn’t one.Rather, after reading the article, reflect upon:what you’ve read (citing as directed above), your life experience, what you’ve learned in your coursework to date, and what you might encounter/experience regarding this issue in your future role as a caring professional