Classical Liberalism and Civic Republicanism

The Founding Fathers of the United States were not only great politicians, but in many cases they were quite good political philosophers or political theorists as we sometimes say. When they wrote the United States Constitution they had access to two main sets of ideas: civic republicanism and classical liberalism.

t I want you to watch the following videos explaining how political theory works, and write a 4-6 page essay on the following prompt:

Pick THREE FACTSHEETS( I already picked them, I will upload them here on page, the factsheets he meant is for the class group works, so I will upload them down)

and tell me how classical liberals and civic republicans would think about these issues and why.

FIRST, explain the key differences between the idea of ‘respect due to a being endowed with reason’ and that of ‘man is a social animal’.

after you done of the first,

. SECOND, address each policy issue trying to create normative arguments using the philosophical theories of classical liberalism and civic republicanism. As you go try to make arguments for and against using each theory. So, try to make a classical liberal argument for and against, and try to make a civic republican argument for and against. While this will not always be possible, most of the time it is.

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