company analysis assignment

Individual Assignment

Individual Assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrectness of the assignment

20.0 pts

Followed directions of assignment.

15.0 pts

Generally followed directions of assignment.

10.0 pts

Moderately followed directions of assignment.

5.0 pts

Somewhat followed directions of assignment.

0.0 pts

Did not follow directions of assignment.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: relevance of assignment

35.0 pts

Content is related to topics in text; integrates multiple ideas or concepts.

26.25 pts

Content is related to topics in text; did not fully integrate multiple ideas or concepts.

17.5 pts

Content is generally related to topics in text; generally did not integrate multiple ideas or concepts.

8.75 pts

Content is Somewhat related to topics in text; generally did not integrate multiple ideas or concepts.

0.0 pts

Content is not related to topics in text; did not integrate multiple ideas or concepts.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of writing

15.0 pts

Expresses ideas and/or opinions in a clear and concise manner with obvious connection to topic (main idea of paper).

11.25 pts

Ideas and/or opinions are stated clearly with occasional lack of connection to topic (main idea of paper).

7.5 pts

Generally unclear connection to topic evidenced in minimal expression of ideas and/or opinions.

3.75 pts

Unclear connection to topic evidenced in minimal expression of ideas and/or opinions.

0.0 pts

Does not express ideas and/or opinions clearly; no connection to topic (main idea of paper).

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrectness of writing

15.0 pts

No errors related to the following: grammar, punctuation, or spelling; and no acronyms; used business terminology.

11.25 pts

1 mistake related to the following: grammar, punctuation, or spelling; and no acronyms; used business terminology.

7.5 pts

2 mistakes related to the following: grammar, punctuation, or spelling; and no acronyms; used business terminology.

3.75 pts

3 mistakes related to the following: grammar, punctuation, or spelling; and no acronyms; used business terminology.

0.0 pts

4 or more mistakes related to the following: grammar, punctuation, or spelling; and no acronyms; used business terminology.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation

15.0 pts

Professional presentation (appearance) and followed APA.

11.25 pts

Generally professional presentation (appearance) or generally followed APA.

7.5 pts

Generally professional presentation (appearance) and generally followed APA.

3.75 pts

Somewhat professional presentation (appearance) and Somewhat followed APA.

0.0 pts

Not professional presentation (appearance) and did not follow APA.

15.0 pts