Compare and Contrast Instructional Design Models

Compare and Contrast Instructional Design Models

Select three different instructional design models presented in the module and compare and contrast the models. How are they similar and different? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Support your thinking, citing two to three scholarly sources which you can ascertain from the CSU Global library.

Then, indicate which model you think you would use for your instructional design blueprint and ID proposal (Portfolio Project) and why. You may find you change your mind in Module 2 once you select the business or organization for which you will design, and that is OK. Provide your best analysis of your choice at this time.

Your total assignment should be 3-5 pages long, excluding the title and reference list pages, both of which should be part of your submission.

Instructional Design Models to discuss: SAM Model, ADDIE Model, and ASSURE Model