complete 4 page psychology essay tcc
APA Writing Assignment
General Formatting Instructions:
- Upload your paper to Canvas by 11:59pm on the due date (posted in Canvas) to receive full credit.
- Your paper is expected to be 4 double-spaced, typed pages in length (not including a cover page and a References page). Use 12 pt. font and 1 inch margins.
- Provide a cover page with your name, PSY 2012, and a title.
- To reach the 4 page requirement, the responses to each question below should be about 1 page in length. If your paper is a little short, consider adding a brief introductory and/or conclusion paragraph.
- Only use APA Style for your parenthetical citations and your References page. Please see the link in the Writing Assignment module in Canvas: “APA Style Guide†for the APA Style Guide.
- A significant portion of your grade depends on the quality of your writing (proper sentence composition, grammar and punctuation). Please proofread carefully or get help at the Learning Commons.
- Finally, be very careful to use your own words. Plagiarized sections will – at minimum – receive 0 points. Serious cases of plagiarism will be reported to Judicial Affairs.
- Read your article carefully and answer the following questions in your paper:
- Provide a References page at the very end of your paper (see APA Style Guide in Canvas).
Paper Instructions:
- What were the main questions/hypotheses posed in the study?
- Who was studied and what type of research method was used?
- What, exactly, did the researchers measure and how did they do it?
- What were the main results? TIP: Pull this from the article’s “Discussion†section.
- What do you think? Add you own opinion / concluding remarks here.
Late Papers:
Papers turned in up to 3 days (1 day = 24 hours) late will receive a 10% penalty. Papers turn in between 3 and 7 days late will receive a 25% penalty. Papers turned in more than 7 days late will receive a 50% penalty. No papers will be accepted after the last day of classes (excluding final exam week).
The paper grading rubric is on the following page for your reference.