connecting key pieces feedback values and goals 2


Values and goals are important, not only to the organization but to individuals as well. Values and goals provide the framework for roles and responsibilities for those working in organizations. To strive to align with the values and meet the goals, individuals are tasked with different roles and functions.

Moreover, clarity of expectations is key to effective leadership. It serves as the foundation to assess, evaluate, and provide feedback based on expectations. Feedback is important in order for those involved in any effort to know if they are on the right track. It is also important for purposes of adjustments that might be needed in order to meet or exceed expectations.


  1. Evaluate the meeting of lead based on the definition of go, travel, guide, using a criminal justice organization as a point of focus.
  2. Describe the role of leadership based on values as the stage for action.
  3. Explore the role of leadership in operationalizing goals to release the energy.
  4. Determine how the actions of leaders, specific to values and goals, affect what individuals do within an organization.

Special Instructions:

Create a 1 page essay in APA format according to the instructions above. Use 2 scholarly sources for references. Utilize in-text citations.