Content Analysis


Write a 2- to 3-page paper explaining content analysis and what it is used for. Furthermore, you will conduct your own mini-content analysis by creating a codebook that you would use if you were to actually conduct the study.

Action Items

  1. Read all the material required for this module before attempting this assignment.
  2. Address the following in a paper:
    1. Explain what content analysis is and what it is used for.
    2. You are going to conduct a mini-content analysis by creating a codebook.
    3. Choose your topic and sources of data. Create a codebook using the example above or others you find on the internet. In the example, you will see that the researcher decided on three main topics to look for, then broke the topics into specifically what the researcher was looking for.
    4. Some sources of data that you could use, but are not limited to, include: commercials, fashion magazines, TV shows, and websites. Have fun with this. Maybe you’re interested in how men and women are portrayed differently in fashion, or whether doctors’ office websites in Ohio have features similar to those in Oklahoma, or something else altogether.
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