Contrast the aims and the legacy of structuralism on the one hand and functionalism on the other. Identifv one or two key figures associated with each of these schools.

Contrast the aims and the legacy of structuralism on the one hand and functionalism on the other. Identifv one or two key figures associated with each of these schools.


2. To what extent is the brain capable of continued development during adulthood? distinguish between neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. Discuss the potential implications of these processes for the treatment of disorders of the nervous system. ldentify at least one controversial issue in the application of neuroplasticity to the treatment of disorders


3. Autopsy studies. case studies. and electrical stimulation work in the 19th and 20th centuries helped lay the’ foundation for the contemporary understanding of brain structure and function Select three of’the following figures and describe their contributions to our l‹nowledge ot the brain: (I) Pierre Broca, (2) Karl Wemicke, (3)Wilder Penfield , (4) Gustav Fritsch and Edvard Hitzig.


4. ldenti(y three neurotransmitters and describe their roles in thought and behavior. Where possible, rise specific examples to illustrate their contributions to your own behavior.


5. ldentify several components of’ the endocrine system. State the hormone(s) each component produces Identify the functions of the hormones you mention.


6. Identify and describe three elements–other than the title and the author–of a scientific

Journal articles in psychology. Note whether each element you describe appears at or near the beginning of’ an the middle of an article, or toward or at the end of an article.


7. Review three well-known case studies in psychology’s history. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of case study research. Be sure to illustrate your points with concrete



8. How is it that the experimental method allows researchers to draw cause-and-effect conclusions? Identi1/s the critical elements of the experimental method and explain how each helps enable the development of valid causal conclusions.









9. A pharmaceutical con any has developed a new antidepressant medication and wishes in test its effectiveness. flow might extraneous variables, placebo effects, and experimenter bias comprise the results of such a test? How should the company use i’andom assignmenl placebos. and a double-blind procedure to maximize the validity of the test?


10. I describe the contri: rnions ot the philosophers Plato, Aristotle, and Descartes to the nature-nurture and rrhnd-body issues. Suggest how EITHER the nature-nurture issue OR the mind-body problem is relevant to a psychological phenomenon in which you are especially interested