COU 203A Jansen Sociology Question

Assessment Description: Part A: 10-minute transcript of a 30-minute face-to-face counselling session Word length: NO WORD LENGTH / NOT APPLICABLE The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the application of appropriate counselling skills  and techniques that you have been exposed to in this unit. Make a recording of a face-to-face counselling session of 30 minutes in duration. Transcribe 10  minutes of the recording and submit as an appendix to the assessment. Appendices are not  included in the word limit. You will need to ensure that the transcription provides adequate material  to answer this part of the question. The transcription does not need to be consecutive. Please  record the starting time and ending time of each element of the transcription. While this may be a real-life situation or a role-play scenario, the client should not be a  member of your family nor a very close friend. Please note counselling demonstrations may be done virtually with both participants not in  the same location. Skype or Zoom can be used to set up, schedule and record the session.  The recorded session should be uploaded to BlackBoard to be marked. Part B: Written reflection on your counselling skills/techniques base on the transcript Word length: 2000 The  
purpose of this part of the assignment is to demonstrate an ability to reflect on and assess  your counselling skills and yourself as a therapist, including the ability to identify areas for  improvement. Using examples drawn from a transcript of your counselling  session you must  demonstrate the use of generic skills in combination with one of the therapies studied in this unit.  Please ensure that: The ability to open the interview is demonstrated The ability to assist client to explore the issue, set goals and determine course of action is  demonstrated The ability to apply person-centred skills demonstrated In addition, this assessment requires you to critically evaluate your skills by addressing the  following: Where, in hindsight, do you feel you could have done or said something differently to be  more effective, with examples of what you might have said or done differently? Provide a brief outline of how you might continue to work with this client in future sessions. The 2000-word reflection needs to be in academic essay form and fully referenced (see below). It  should include references to theories that you translated into practice in the session.

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