create formal quality audit report to evaluate pre identified area at company
The following points should be included :
1- Introduction
Name of the Auditee (unit audited)- Identify the company business nature ( manufacturing , service ).
Duration of Internal Audit ( how long will take).
Brief description of the current process under audit , type of udit ( process , system . product ).
Budget / Expenditure of the auditee unit.
2- Objective and Scope( why )
Elaborate on the objective ( two ) , and scope of the audit engagement
3- Methodology used during the audit engagement ( qualitative , quantitative )
4- Audit Observations , your opinion about the current process ( situation) .
5- Consequence / Effect / Impact: What effect did it have?( cause , effect analysis )
6- Corrective Action / Recommendation: What should be done to fix the issues (two enough)?
Assignment Regulations :
This assignment is an individual assignment.
All students are encouraged to use their own word.
Student must apply Harvard Referencing Style within their reports.
A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it
No more than two pages , use the attached example for more information about the sections .
Mark: 3 points