create the method same as methodolody conclusions and recomendacions
Team Business Report
Critical Thinking Question – Imagine you have a team member who wants to do all the project work her/himself because s/he does not trust anyone else on the team to produce high-quality results. How should the team respond to that team member?
Task/Investigate: In planning to prepare the report –make sure the team take into consideration topics discussed in Chapters: 1,2,3,4. The team should identify and apply topic/s selected from the chapters to research and provide a rationale for how to address the above question.
Instructions: In your team, plan and investigate the Critical Thinking Question above. Then, evaluate useful data sources to address the Critical Thinking Question. *Make sure to identify five applicable secondary business sources to support your findings. Use current data NOT over ten years.
The team will use the collected data to outline and write an effective short formal Business Report inclusive of the following parts: title page (use the last names of team members to determine alphabetical order/when keying the title page- use alphabetical order but remember to key first name then last name – not last name then first name), table of contents, and body with at least one page with graphic/s. * The title page, table of contents, and reference page are separate pages.
The total length of the body is five pages. See page 423-431 for applicable use of spacing (single and double) – Ex. For the BODY/the five pages- Single-space some elements such as: paragraphs/double space after the paragraph, references (single space between lines/double space after entry), and information in tables or other graphic components.
Sections in the body should include: Executive Summary, Introduction (same as objective), Method (same as methodology), Best Practices (same as findings), Conclusions, and Recommendations.
APA Citations- Make sure to select three direct quotes from three of the identified five secondary sources. The sources should be used as three in-text citations (APA format) to support the findings. *Do NOT use more than “three†in-text citations in the body. DO NOT use over three lines of the information from each of the selected articles to complete the in-text citations. Do NOT use the course’s textbook as a secondary source. Make sure to list all five identified secondary sources on the reference page (APA format).
Format the report – Margins – use one-inch for all pages – top/bottom and side margins.
Headings – Use only first level headings.