Critical Reading of Black Female Body in 1970s Television Representation (and Oppositional Gaze Practice)

Critical Reading of Black Female Body in 1970s Television Representation (and Oppositional Gaze Practice)

After reading bell hooks’ article “The Oppositional Gaze,” and reflecting on what we’ve examine thus far in terms of representations of the Black female body), please view one episode of Good Times and The Jeffersons (any episode you wish, only write on ONE sitcom). I would like for you to be cognizant of the representation of Black women on the shows. Answer the questions below (you do not have to write in paragraph form, simply thoroughly answer the questions):

1) What was the episode about (very brief summary. THIS WILL NOT BE THE BULK OF YOUR PAGE. YOUR ANALYSIS WILL BE)?

2) ) How are the Black, white, other racial and ethnic female characters portrayed (take into account- what did they say? how were they dressed? what did they look like? what did they do?)? Would you argue that there are any portrayals that resemble the constructions outlined in the work of Riggs and/or Collins? Are there any characterizations that you would view as going against the constructions (that seem more progressive or oppositional in our opinion? why? how might someone read the character or something about the character as oppositional? Any BLACK GIRL MAGIC that you can read in story line, language, dress, mannerisms, role, etc., (this is your own definition of Black Girl Magic)?

3) In general, are there any incidents that you view/read as possibly empowering at the time it was shown (1970s and some early 1980s for the Jeffersons)? why? Disempowering? What about now?

The episodes can be found on the internet on sites such as YouTube.