critical thinking 306

Assigned pages from our FREE College Success textbook (find the link to this at Modules, Required Textbook Information.

Chapter 3: Thinking about Thought

Read the entire chapter, pages 113-41.

After this, return to the specific pages provided below and complete the activity as assigned.

Discussion Activity: “Critical Thinking”

Open a Word or Google Docs document. Create written responses to the two activity assignments below. Once you are finished, you will copy and paste the entire written response, both activities into one Canvas, Discussion, “Critical Thinking”

Activity 1: Page 113-15

Skim pages 113-15 until you reach the Title “It’s All in Your Head.” Summarize the difference between high school thinking and college thinking. Your summary should be about 100 words, give or take a few words. Don’t summarize for this activity any ideas after the start of section 3.1.

Analyze: = Analyze, break down, characterize, classify, compare, contrast, debate, deduce, diagram, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, infer, link, outline, relate, research, reverse-engineer, separate, subdivide, tag.

Page 117-22 3.1 “Types of Thinking” and 3.2 “It’s Critical”

Read the pages for these two sections, think about them, and drawing upon the definition of critical thinking provided, create your own definition. Try to use your own words. Don’t just copy word for word what the editors/writers of the textbook use. But do create a succinct description of critical thinking. 75-125 words will work.