cryptography subject create a fictitious company and how to protect data etc
Create a fictitious company that has
- Email (both encrypted and not),
- Hash values to verify documents,
- Databases that store
- corporate sensitive / proprietary information
- employee payroll, health records, etc.
- vendor information
- credit card information
- other items as determined by the type of company
- Remote users that must be authenticated
- On site users that must be authenticated
Consider what companies deal with:
Documents – stored and transmitted
Data – stored and transmitted
Authenticating users – local and remote
What certifying authorities?
You will need to complete the following:
- What methodology will you use to protect the data?
- What are the biggest challenges faced by companies using encryption?
- How will you verify and authenticate the users both local and remote?
- What forms of encryption (symmetric / asymmetric)
- What certifying authorities will you use?
- What are common attacks and how will you protect against them?
- How have other similar companies dealt with this and with what results?
- How will you test the method you choose?
- What are the expected outcomes?
- What new methods may be on the horizon that will help this industry?
- 6 – 8 pages of prose
- Limit the number of bulleted lists
- Prose + charts + figures = 10 pages
Please note the following criteria:
Research paper:
- Research Paper must be in APA Style
- Research Paper must have at least 5 works cited of which 2 must be peer reviewed works/articles (note your book can be included as a reference)
- Must be at least 10 double-spaced pages with standard 1 inch margins.
- Total report should be 10 – 15 pages
- Paper will be 200 points