Cuyamaca College Sociology Series Evaluation Question

Identify one episode of an online series (aka TV show) that addresses sexuality in some way and write a critical evaluation.

First, briefly describe the episode.

Then explain how it engages with themes from this course. Specifically, what issues, topics, and ideas from class are addressed? What others could be addressed, but are left out?

Then give your opinion. What is done well, and what could be more effective? If the character(s) give their opinions on a sexual topic, do you agree? Why or why not?

Formatting rules

2-3 pp., double-spaced (that means 2 full pagesat minimum)

12 pt. Times New Roman font

1” margins (not 1.25”)  

  • Page numbers, bottom right

On the first page only, list your name, the date, the course, and the assignment (no need for another title or a separate title page)

  • Use paragraph format (not bullet points) with the first line of each paragraph indented ½” and no extra spaces between paragraphs
  • Grading rubric
  • 80% Content
  • Does the paper demonstrate an accurate understanding of the course material that is being discussed?

Do you specify the idea(s) you’re responding to (and the respective reading)?

  • How well do the examples illustrate ideas from class?

20% Form

Does the paper follow the formatting rules?

Is it well organized? Does each paragraph make a discrete point or argument?

  • Does it present points clearly and persuasively?
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