“Digital Systems and the Design of Work (and also “Information Systems and Business Transformation.

we cover two more important IT topics: “Digital Systems and the Design of Work (and also “Information Systems and Business Transformation. authors focus on how IT resources can be used to build competitive advantage for the organization.

The “value chain” model is presented as a framework by which organizations can link their business processes to create strategic partnerships. You are assigned to read  an article: “Technology adoption by global virtual teams: Developing a cohesive approach”.  From these readings there will be a discussion (Discussion 3) and you will submit a research paper on Business Process Re-design.

Read article – “Technology adoption by global virtual teams: Developing a cohesive approach”

Read article – “Influence of digital technology”

Summary of participation for Week 5: Digital Systems and the Design of Work

Summary of participation for week 6: Information Systems and Business Transformation


1. 500 words Discussion

2. 3-4 page research paper and reference page