discussion board disaster management 2

Master of Disaster Management

The course is International and Humanitarian Disaster Management

The question :

You are an Emergency Manager in your respective country. A highly infectious influenza strain has been detected. There is a limited quantity of the vaccine to prevent this particular strain of influenza. Discuss your plan for distributing this vaccine. Who receives the vaccine and who does not? How did you come to this conclusion?

The instructions are: please meet the requirements because Dr very harsh with grading.

1- One full page (4-5 paragraphs) with at least 3 references.

2- Write as a second Language and Use Simple Academic Words.

3- Use APA style format 6th edition including in-text citations.

4- Use the Grammarly program to correct all the mistakes that give you because my university checks and depends on Grammarly.

5- Avoid passive voice absolutely.

6- Avoid start new sentence with unclear subject such as (THIS).