discussion bored question 4
Course Name: Public Health Implications of Disasters
Week 12 – Epidemiological Investigation
Most people associate public health emergency operations with the actual investigation regarding an infectious disease threat or other incident type. This week you will learn the process for how this is accomplished.
For those of you looking for the location of the statistical epidemiology material that has been covered in this course since its inception, you will not find it here because it has been moved to the course on clinical disaster medicine. Many students had complained that it was too difficult to digest the basics of epidemiology in a single week for those who had no background in clinical medicine. Hopefully, this approach to teaching epidemiology, which is an integral part of public health, will make it easier to understand and place it in a context where it makes more sense than straightforward basic science.
Attached Files:
Required reading
1. Criminal and Epidemiological Investigations (Read at least the Public Health section). https://bblearn.philau.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-374481-dt-content-rid-73977_1/xid-73977_1
2. Powerpoint from USDA on an actual infectious food-borne illness outbreak investigation. USDA
Discussion Bored Question
Summarize any one chapter of the handbook on epidemiological investigation and provide one example of a US or international public health emergency in which this science was used or likely used.
– APA Style