DNA Fragments and Sequences

Module 8: Application Questions

  1. In the paper “Welcome to the CRISPR/Cas Zoo” that was assigned in this module, there were several potential uses for CRISPR/Cas presented. Pick one of these potential uses and explain why it would be the most beneficial and should receive the highest priority.


  1. AquaAdvantage Salmon was the first transgenic animal that was approved to be used as food. It took 20 years for this approval and even longer to reach the shelves of markets! What was the major concerns that has delayed its entry into the American market? There are also environmental issues. Read this article and discuss whether you think these concerns are adequately addressed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/08/04/gmo-salmon-caught-in-u-s-regulatory-net-but-canadians-have-eaten-5-tons/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.05a812de738e


  1. Chose one of the transgenic animals discussed that is waiting for approval either as food or medicine. What do you think should be examined to ensure the safety of this product? How could the approval process be faster?