doing an assignment

4 Pages This assignment should only generally discuss assessment and developmental milestones.

Examine the benefits of observation, documentation, and effective assessment strategies in young children’s development.

Part 1: PBL Project

The PBL in this course culminates in a project that gives you the freedom to choose how to share what you have learned in this course. You will take all of the information from the course and develop a project that applies your new knowledge of observation and assessment. You developed your PBL choice in Unit 6. Use this PBL development and instructor feedback to create your project for the Unit 9 Assignment.


Childhood assessment is a process of collecting data about a child, reviewing the report, and then using the information to plan educational activities that are at a stage the child the child can comprehend and is able to learn from. As the child grows, early childhood assessment is important because the teacher can see the children’s weaknesses, strength and progress. With this assessment, allows the teacher to help encourage the student and parent to get the child on their level of education.

Project Summary

The purpose of my project is to provide the developmental growth in areas of physical/motor, cognitive, language, and social emotional skills in additional support and if needed intervention. My goal is to bring excitement to learning and exploring the world around them. Project based learning (PBL) can have “checklist and observational assessments that can be added. Child focused individuals can continue direction in assessing or have accountability objectives, gaining understanding of prior reports groups involved in helping the learning and well-being of young children.

Project Impact

Both intended and unintended of operations is to attribute the positive outcome and determine the linking factors that can provide parents with information about their child developmental growth. This can be effective when planning for the individual child. The assessment will help keep the planning effective and help the child reach a goal and guarantee the development of skills and knowledge towards their education. This will help improve in their daily environment.

Alignment with Course Outcomes

As a teacher continuing to collect information about a child’s special knowledge or behavior helps guide planning. To assess the target child and using the observational results will help plan to keep child on target and this helps me to be able to assess the child to develop skills and improve growth in all areas. This also helps me to develop strategies of noticing and note taking that can help the child who may be struggling in certain areas that can be a faster process in teaching different the child learning in different ways.


Project based learning (PBL) is a proactive method that is orderly set to engage children in everyday activities for the submission of learning knowledge to gain life-enhancing skills a strategic and a design lesson can be created for a child (NAEYC, 2009). By achieving teachers need to acknowledge abilities, skills and observations. This will help build up professionalism and help the direction of the instruction and created play productive in a play-based learning program and environment.