drag queens the dallas drag scene and is social media specifically instagram is changing the game

I need you to write about Drag Queens and specifically the ones in Dallas. If you think they have a voice or if they are really even interesting. (The answer is yes they are and tell me why/research about them). I need this to be thought out, not crazy on giant words because that is not how I write so make it believable, interesting, and not to crazy. Ask me questions if needed. My sidebar, as mentioned in Number 5 is about the history of Dallas Drag.

This is the Grand Kahuna of assignments: the fashion feature!

This is a fleshed-out outline that is a half-way point to completion. It will help you know where you need more information or where you may need to cut back. It must include:

1. The intro. Your introduction will include a lede and a nut graf

2. A smooth transition from your lede into your first fully written segment. This segment must include a quote.

3. The remaining supporting statements in your outline must be fleshed out a bit more but don’t have to be completely written, but it should be clear what supporting quotes and citations will fit into the feature.

4. An idea of how you’ll close the feature — conclusion ideas.

5. Sidebar outline completed: This is a mini story with its own lede, nut graf and supporting information.

6. Ideas on expanded content.