eetores makeup for late assignment

Due Sat Nov 9 by 11.30 PM


1. Provide Title of news source

2. Provide link to news item

3. In a paragraph or two, summarize the news item you’ve selected. It is your job to make sure someone reading your summary has a good idea what the news item is about.

4. There is NO need to respond to another student

5. Read the News Instructions carefully, noting the types of news stories not allowed. If you enter a news story that is, you will receive no credit


Select one and answer thoroughly.

Remember to respond to two other students

1. What role did copper play in the economic, political, and social history of Chile?

2. How were women affected by Chile’s 20th century economic changes and how did they affect Chilean politics?

3. What was populism in Chile and what role did the state play in its developmental policies?

4. What were the achievements and failures of the Popular Front era?

5. What was the ideology and program of Christian Democracy in Chile?

6. What were the major objectives of the Popular Unity government and what were its successes and failures?

7. What role did the United States play in the overthrow of the democratically-elected Allende regime.

8. How were class struggles over Chile’s national identity, especially its association with modernity, reflected in popular music?


Answer one; respond to two others

1. The Monroe Doctrine has been described as a “hands off” warning to Europe. How did the United States interpret the doctrine in practice?

2. Discuss the rhetoric and the reality of Woodrow Wilson’s Latin American policy.

3. How consistent was F.D.R. in the application of his Good Neighbor Policy?

4. Describe the mix of reform and repression in President Kennedy’s Latin American policy.

5. Evaluate President Reagan’s Nicaraguan policy in terms of U.S. law, international law, and universal moral principles.

6. How do George W. Bush’s policies toward Latin America compare to those of his predecessors?

7. How do Barak Obama’s policies toward Latin America compare to those of his predecessors?