enc11o1 essay3 one way to become healthier

Length: 700-800 words long (word count is not including the Works Cited page).

Tip: pick a topic you are curious about, something you can try for the next month, like meditation, walking daily, keeping a gratitude journal, eating dinner with family, sleeping eight hours/night, playing soccer, etc. Do not write about using technology to become healthier, since some students already wrote about that topic for their Essay 2. In fact, I encourage you to think more about spiritual or mental health, rather than on getting bigger biceps or a beach body.

Four required research sources—you will be quoting/paraphrasing, and /or summarizing from two Valencia College library book sources (e-books or hard copies are both fine) and two database article sources.

Book source tip: (not a textbook, general dictionary or encyclopedia, children’s book, or the bible, although these can be used as additional sources)

Database source tip: Here are some databases you might find helpful: Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete, Newsbank, Popular Magazines, Nursing and Allied Health Resources, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, and Health Reference Center Academic.

If you want to use any additional sources, you can, but don’t add more than one or two more. You will also need to add them onto your Works Cited page and include internal documentation for them in the text of your essay.

Please use our writing center and ask me or our library staff questions if you have any trouble with the assignment.