essay four

4 pages double spaces MLA

This assignment requires you to read (and incorporate) the following:

Writing Task

In the essay, address the following prompt:

Imagine you are the next Secretary of Education. You can redesign the American educational system in any way you want. (You don’t have to state this premise in the essay.)

What changes would you make to college, and why?

Your thesis statement should indicate what changes you would make, and each topic sentence should be one of the changes.

Develop each change section with an explanation of why the change is needed and why/how your change is better than the status quo. Use research to support your assertions (to help you show the problem, the solution, or both).

You can suggest changes to any aspect of college, from financial aspects, to required classes, to how classes are taught, who teaches them, when college meets, what happens in class, curriculum, majors, length of college, what services are available to students, etc.

Be completely creative and have fun with this. Make a strong case and convince me!

To support change ideas you do not have class articles for, brainstorm search terms to find what you need. For example, “student-centered pedagogy” would yield articles about classroom instruction that is not lecture based. “Free college” would yield articles about why college should be free. Feel free to message me if you are not sure what search term would work best for the changes you are suggesting.