evaluating evidence based law enforcement policy

Scenario: You have been hired by the National Institute of Justice to conduct a study on one of the topics listed below. Your study will be a systematic review, which is a review of current research (peer-reviewed research within the last five years). Some of these policies have been generally established as evidence-based, whereas others are more emergent. Either way, it is necessary to continue to systematically review established and emergent criminal justice policies because many factors, to include the various changes in society and government, can have an impact on the effectiveness of these policies.


  1. Choose one of the topics and corresponding review question.


Review Question

Hot Spots Policing

What is/are the impact(s) of hot spots policing on crime?

School Resource Officers

What is/are the impact(s) of school resource officers?

Police Body Cameras

What is/are the impact(s) of police body cameras on police officer behavior?

Crisis Intervention Training

What is/are the impact(s) of crisis intervention training?

  1. Conduct research and locate four peer-reviewed articles published in the last five years that examined the impact(s) of your chosen topic.
  2. Complete the various sections of the Portfolio Project as assigned in the Modules (See the Portfolio Report Checklist located in the Course Information Module for scheduled submissions and more detailed information about each section). The following are the required elements of the Portfolio Project:
  3. APA Format
    • Absence of bias
    • Clear and concise writing
    • Errorless spelling, grammar, and sentence structure
    • Errorless APA formatting
    • Credible sources
    • Accurate citations and references
    • Length of 8-17 pages, not including title page, tables, or references
    • Double-spaced
  4. Cover page
  5. Abstract – Maximum 150-200 words
  6. The proper labels and headings for each section, please see attached for requirements of each section
    • Section I: Introduction (1-2 pages)
    • Section II: Objectives (1/2 page)
    • Section III: Methods (1-2 pages)
    • Section IV: Results (6-10 pages) See attached!!
    • Section V: Conclusion
  7. Tables or graphs (including completed Evidence Table)
  8. References