: Explain everything you can about the inscription: the preface, charge, postface, verification, Shang conceptions of time, among others. Also, discuss the function of verification of the divinations, with respect to the legitimation of the Shang kings

eed help with my History question – I’m studying for my class.


Part I: Short answer: summary of secondary sources (20 points)

1. Summarize the key features of the Shang Dynasty (Ebrey, China, 22–30)

Part II: Short answer—close readings of primary sources (20 points each)

For each of the following primary sources, please summarize and critically analyze the key ideas in historical context. Please use all the information presented in the lectures.

2. Oracle bone inscription 40 (Sources of Chinese Tradition, p. 17): Explain everything you can about the inscription: the preface, charge, postface, verification, Shang conceptions of time, among others. Also, discuss the function of verification of the divinations, with respect to the legitimation of the Shang kings. Note: for this chapter ONLY, you should use the translator’s introduction, that is, the entire chapter, pp. 3-23.

3. Classic of the Way and Virtue (also known as Laozi or Dao de jing): Summarize the key points, focusing on the first five passages (Sources of Chinese Tradition, pp. 80-81). Use the lectures. Please do not use the translator’s introduction.

Part III: Essay question: critical analysis and synthesis (40 points)

4. Describe the Analects (including authorship, dates, intended readership, structure, organization, style). Critically summarize several of the most important concepts of the Analects. Illustrate these with very short quotations from the selections in the first nine chapters, SCT, p. 45-53; focus in particular on the concept of “humaneness”. Integrate summary, historical contextualization, and critical analysis of primary sources with secondary sources and lecture notes. Again, please use the information presented in the lectures; please do not use the translator’s introduction.