Federal Bureaucracy Essay
You will be researching a specific area of the Federal Bureaucracy in order to better understand all of the areas that it encompasses. From the four areas of the bureaucracy that you learned about, choose an agency or organization to research more in-depth and write an essay about. For instance, you would not write about the Cabinet, but might choose to write about the State Department which is within the Cabinet.
In your essay you will include the following:
- Determine what type of federal organization it is (pg. 314-320)
- Explain an abbreviated history of your organization
- Determine who is in charge of your organization, how they get their job, and if there are any important or notable leaders who headed the organization in the past
- Describe what the organization does
- Create a slogan that exemplifies how your organization helps our country
- Create a powerpoint of this slogan
This report will be at least 500 words.
Please write your essay in MLA format, and follow the standard five paragraph model. Your essay should have an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.