film responses 1

After reviewing the materials on the War with Mexico – especially the end of the film in Supporting Materials, complete the following sentences:

1) The most important legacy (what happened in the US that profoundly changed the nation) of the Mexican-American War for the United States was………

2) The most important legacy (what happened in Mexico that profoundly changed the nation) of the Mexican-American War for Mexico was ……..

Be sure to consider more than the immediate consequences of this war on Mexico and the US. This war has long term consequences for both nations. Legacy implies a future impact.


See Polk’s war address: (Links to an external site.)

See the PBS film clip (Links to an external site.)from the series Latinos

For a complete and very well-done film on the war see these 2 links. We do not often talk about this war and its long-term impact on the US and Mexico and their relations with each other. It’s worth watching in full.

The U.S.-Mexico War: 1 (Links to an external site.)The U.S.-Mexico War: 1

The U.S.-Mexico War: 2 (Links to an external site.)
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The last chapter (#8) Legacy is required – about the last 20 minutes of the 2nd link!!! This is the part of the film that discusses the consequences and the legacy of this war for both nations.

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