Final Project Framework African Americans, history homework help
Final Project Framework
In order to fulfill all parts of this assignment, you must complete and submit the [img src=”” alt=”Save icon” width=”21″ height=”18″>Week 3 Assignment Worksheet. This assignment is meant to help you get your Final Project started by:
- Focusing on your topic.
- Determining the direction of your project by writing a thesis statement.
- Choosing the events that you will discuss in your Final Project.
- Locating the sources that you need for your Final Project.
To complete the worksheet, address the following points:
- Pick a topic.
- Choose four specific events related to your topic.
- Locate two
primary sources and two
secondary sources.
- Write a thesis.
On the worksheet, you will find links to examples and explanations for all parts of the assignment. If you need more help, you may want to look at a sample completed worksheet to help you get started.
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Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Late Policy: Written assignments (essays, journals, presentations) are due on the specified days in the course. Written assignments will be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day up to three days late. If written assignments are submitted after 72 hours past the due date, instructors can give a penalty up to and including a grade of 0 for the assignment.