final report 36
the final report needs to be written in New Times Roman 12-point font, double spaced, (except for the Cover (title) Page which should be in 16 point), and should use the following template:
1. Abstract: (300 words max)
Write an abstract with sufficient detail to acquaint the reader with your project. The abstract must include 1) the overall purpose of the report; 2) summarized statements about the main components of the report.
2. Chapter by Chapter Equations/Charts
- Develop a maximum of three pages per chapter starting with Chapter 3 and coving the rest of the chapters we went over during this semester
- Each chapter needs to include pertinent equations, reference charts, tables and constants.
- Pictures of Tables and charts maybe scanned or screenshot (reference)
- Equations need to be entered using the Microsoft equation editor/screen captured
3. References