Find an Op-Ed that discusses any law enacted by the Texas Legislature in the last legislative session. Find an interesting, controversial law that generated a good deal of discussion. Especially look for law that could affect your life or the lives of those you know

Prompt: Find an Op-Ed that discusses any law enacted by the Texas Legislature in the last legislative session. Find an interesting, controversial law that generated a good deal of discussion. Especially look for law that could affect your life or the lives of those you know. Read the Op-Ed. What does the law call for – what will be its effect? What is the argument made by the author of the Op-Ed – is it for or against the law. What arguments on the other side do you think could be made. What do you think of the law – make sure you make arguments and cite evidence to support your position.

Make sure to write a 250-300-word post and to to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response with a 100-word reply.


Prompt: Find an OP-ED by author who argues that Voter ID in Texas is a good idea and summarize his arguments. Be sure to post the link. Then find an OP-ED by a liberal author that argues that Voter ID in Texas is a bad idea. Be sure to post the link. Who has the better arguments and why?

Make sure to write a 250-300-word post and to to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response with a 100-word reply.