flexible working amp the psychological contract
Task 1. Using BREO – located academic literature and practitioner-orientated material for support, briefly analyse the theoretical concept underpinning flexibility and the psychological contract, explaining what they are.
Task 2. Consider the existence and impact of flexible working and the psychological contract on your organisation and how it affects the performance of the business
Task 3. This section should initially answer your report objectives and draw together the main points from your analysis of literature and other discussion about your organisation. It summarises what has been learned from undertaking this research. It should also begin to weigh up the options available to the organisation and what would impede implementation of further action. It should reach an overall conclusion as to the extent and effectiveness of flexible working /psychological contract strategies on your organisation and begins to identify the way forward. No new information should be presented in the conclusions.
Make a considered initial list of no more than four relevant recommendations for improving flexible working / psychological contract based upon your conclusions, clearly stating how they can add value to the organisation as the basis of your business case
Kindly make sure of:
– Introduction
– The Objectives of this assignment
– Conclusion
– Recommendation
– zero similarity.
– Each paragraph citation & references with Harvard style required.
– Total of pages around 8-9