Florida National University Health Promotion Paper
Assignment 4 Essay.
Health promotion program in your community.
Continuing with your scholarly paper, “Health Promotion Program Proposal,” propose a health promotion program following MAP-IT previously exercised in week 5.
Write the essay describing each aspect of the strategy. Introduce the problem with concise overview about its health impact. (1 paragraph)
- Introduce the need for the strategy. (1paragraph).
- Mobilize. What would be your objective and mission? How would you include stakeholders? What would be their roles? (1-3paragraph).
- Assess. How are you planning to assess the problem? What are your short-term and long-term goals? (1-2 paragraph).
- Plan the steps to organize and implement the strategy. (1-2 paragraph).
- Track. Describe the evaluation process to measure and track your progress. Include statistic evaluation and collaboration with statistician as required. (1 paragraph).
- Conclude the idea justifying the development of this particular promotion strategy. (1 paragraph).
Write the essay following the rules of formal writing and APA 7th edition. Observe also originality. Avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
Assignment of week 5 MAP-IT
Developing a plan that can impact the community is essential. Creating a health promotion initiative will create a organized plan to reach out to the community. Using the MAP-IT is a great way to organize the plan. For this creative project I have chosen to create a health promotion initiative that will help develop mental health care in schools. Taking into account everything we have been seen in the news with so many mental health issues with students that have led to disastrous events, it is essential that an initiative Is created to develop a method to health students and mental health issues. According to Mori (2000), cultural difference also creates adjustments frequently placing students with international backgrounds at greater risk for various psychological problems. Unfortunately it has been discovered that mental health has become of great concern for the community due to stress, depression, burnout, bulling and many other areas that students have to deal with ( Lo et al., 2018)
Mobilize- In this step we will include influencing aspects and resources that can aid in schools, creating programs that can help assist with developing mental health wellness. In this area it can allow the development of education to create awareness. Also, it is important that we include important people in the growth and development of the child. This would include the child’s parents, teachers, and mental health professionals. This will create a strong foundation for the program.
Assess- In this step we would need to assess the community being used for the study. In this case using a school where rates of bulling and depression is high. When doing this it will create awareness of how big the need to address the situation. In this case usually middle schools and high schools are the ones most affected by mental health issues.
Plan- The main goal of this initiative is to address the concern of mental health issues and how to reduce the possible damage it can cause in a long run. In this step the plan would be to create a program that can address and point out possible mental health issues. Creating a program that can allow the student to have free expression and the ability of an evaluation to pinpoint the issue on a timely fashion.
Implement- Once the plan is clear and the program is set the next step will be to implement the program. Initiating the program to run for at least 1 year, to create as much data as possible to see the effectiveness of the plan. This type of program would be good to initiate at the beginning of the school year allowing a full view of the emotional waves that student go through in a normal school year.
Track- In this step it will be essential that each person involved makes a full evaluation of the progress of the initiative. This will include parents, teachers and mental health professional that will each have a key part of the student emotional development. This will allow the plan to have current and flowing data that can bring information to the development of the program. This will also give us a knowledge of how it is evolving and if it is giving the results expected.
Lo, K., Waterland, J., Todd, P., Gupta, T., Bearman, M., Hassed, C., & Keating, J. L. (2018). Group interventions to promote mental health in health professional education: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 23(2), 413-447.
Manthorpe, N. S. J. (2001). Responding to students’ mental health needs: Impermeable systems and diverse users. Journal of Mental Health, 10(1), 41-52.
Mori, S. C. (2000). Addressing the mental health concerns of international students. Journal of counseling & development, 78(2), 137-144.