Florida National University Week 3 Herbal Supplements Discussion

Discussion Questions

  1. Why deontology still important in contemporary healthcare practice?
  2. How does utilitarianism affect healthcare decision making?
  3. Ethical theories define harm in different ways.Consequentialist says harm is that which prevents good. Natural law says harm is something that limits our potential. A) why should clinicians have a thorough understanding of the principles of ethics? B) Justice in health care is more than doing what is fair. What aspects of justice are particularly challenging in healthcare environments?
  4. A caregiver—sometimes called an informal caregiver—is an unpaid individual (for example, a spouse, partner, family member, friend, or neighbor) involved in assisting others with activities of daily living and/or medical tasks. Formal caregivers are paid care providers providing care in one’s home or in a care setting (daycare, residential facility, long-term care facility). For the purposes of the present fact sheet, displayed statistics generally refer to caregivers of adults. The figures below reflect variations in the definitions and criteria used in each cited source. For example, the age of care recipients or the relationship of caregiver to care recipient may differ from study to study (Family Caregiver Alliance, 2022).
  1. Why the new interest in long-term care?
  2. Mention and explain the role of Medicaid in long-term care.

5. Ethical theories define harm in different ways.Consequentialist says harm is that which prevents good.Natural law says harm is something that limits our potential

A. Why should clinicians have a thorough understanding of the principles of ethics? B. Justice in health care is more than doing what is fair. What aspects of justice are particularly challenging in healthcare environments?