for the final project i would like you to not only give us a sense of the art that you are viewing but also the institution in which you are seeing it

Once you have completed Exercise E, you are ready to go to the museum and test out your new skills. I would like you to chose a museum of art based on your interests. If you are in San Diego, I suggest any and all of the museums in Balboa Park or the Museum of Contemporary Art in Downtown San Diego or La Jolla. If you are out of the area, I am sure you will be able to find a comparable museum in your area. If not, please contact me and we will see what we can do.

For the final project, I would like you to not only give us a sense of the art that you are viewing, but also, the institution in which you are seeing it.

Part 1 :

  1. To begin with, you should give us a sense of the mission of the museum (contemporary art, photographic art, craft, etc).
  2. Then there should be a description of the museum’s architecture, the site of the museum (Balboa Park, Downtown, some other city, etc.) and the gallery space that the art is displayed in (white box, neoclassical style, Spanish style, etc.).

Part 2 :

  1. After you have done this, you can describe and analyze three works that you saw in the museum.
  2. Finally, I would like for you to write a conclusion which talks about your experience visiting the museum and seeing the art.

The format of your discussion forum entry should look like this:

Part 1:

Mission (400-500 words)

Include two to three images of works that are representative of the museum, these can be taken in person or borrowed from the website with attribution (not the ones you are going to discuss below)

Architecture, Site, Gallery (400-500 words)

Include at least three images (one image of the site of the museum, one of some architectural element(s) that you like, and one of the interior of the gallery and don’t forget your finger in each image!)

Part 2:

Describe and Analyze three works of Art (400-500 words per art object)

Include at least one image of each object and don’t forget your finger (no flash photos please)

Conclusion (200-300 words)


  • Pick a museum that shows the kind of work that you are interested in!
  • Do some research on the Internet about the museum before you go there, so you know what to look out for and what kind of art you are going to see. This will also help you with the writing of the entry, especially the Mission and Architecture part.
  • Once you have picked some works, write down your thoughts on the work of art before consulting the internet. I am not interested in you having the textbook answers in this project. Make sure the museum is open the day you would like to go. Many are closed on either Monday or Wednesday.
  • Tell them you are there for a class and they might let you in for free when you would otherwise have to pay.
  • Most works can be photographed in the museum if you don’t use a flash. Some works are on loan and can’t be photographed. They will usually have a sign at the entry to the gallery that tells you as much.
  • DO NOT attempt to compose the whole document in the Discussion Forum posting window, make sure to type it out in a word processing App and then copy it into the forum post. This might take some reformatting, but at least you won’t have major sadness if your web-browser crashes.