forum and art hw

How does gender operate as a moral order? Give an example.

here are examples of classmates responses after u answer the forum pls reply to a classmate’s response:

classmate 1: It can easily be argued that gender operates as one of the most important moral orders in the United States. From a young age, we learn our spoken and unspoken “rules” for performing gender. Those can change as we get older, but some of the overarching themes remain. People assigned female at birth are socialized to be more passive and docile, and people assigned male are socialized to be more assertive and strong. People get uncomfortable when they see something that breaks their moral order of gender, and this can look many ways. For example, non-binary people are transformative because they defy the very existence of the moral order. By refusing to conform to either “male” labels or “female” labels, they challenge the gender binary. Additionally, seeing women in traditionally masculine roles can create opposition, as the “status quo” of patriarchy has been set for years and years, and people are reluctant to accept change. 

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