From the knowledge you have gained throughout this course: What is the rationale for health care organizations’ adoption of strategic management? Contrast management, personnel, and human resources management.

Using as references:

Title: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Edition: 13th (2019)

Author: DeCenzo, Robbins and Verhulst

Publisher: Wiley Book

ISBN: 978-1-119-49518-5

From the knowledge you have gained throughout this course: What is the rationale for health care organizations’ adoption of strategic management? Contrast management, personnel, and human resources management. What are you going to do with your new knowledge how will it help you in your career?*

Using their same reference in two diferent paragraph give your personal opinion to Breanne Munday and Crystal Moore

Crystal Moore

Strategic management in healthcare is important because there is always room for improvement which requires strategic thinking and implementation. According to an article I read, an example of strategic management in healthcare includes efforts to decrease healthcare costs (Saddique, 2002). Healthcare costs has been the subject of debate for numerous years and often it requires varying degrees of planning and implementation with changes being made constantly. While there is not a problem-free resolution, the changes that are made require much effort in hopes to make healthcare better and affordable for everyone.

A few examples regarding the difference between personnel management and human resource management:

Personnel Management

  • Focuses on managing employees
  • Adheres to policies
  • Maintenance of the rules of an organization

Human Resource Management

  • Concerned with planning and job analysis
  • Implementation of training
  • Handles recruitment and hiring
    (Businesstopia, 2018)

The list goes on but these are just a few examples of the difference between the two types of management. In summary, personnel management deals with a more specific group and topic while human resource management manages a broad, wide range of areas within the workplace.

I learned a great deal while taking this course and it was difficult to view things from the perspective of a human resource manager because of the challenges that are faced when finding a fair ground between employer and employee. I think that in the future I will be able to control complicated situations while understanding the need to sometimes make difficult decisions as a healthcare manager such as budget cuts and furloughs. In the end, the general idea is to keep the business afloat and still be able to provide good quality of service.

celebrate emoticonGOOD LUCK EVERYONE & STAY SAFEcelebrate emoticon


Businesstopia. “Personnel Management v/s Human Resource Management,” in Businesstopia, January 28, 2018,

Saddique, A. (2002, May). Strategic Management Processes in Healthcare Organizations. Retrieved May 22, 2020, from